February 22, 2024年-我们2月的演练显示,扩展集分开开始形成最终产品! 随着对澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的兴奋感不断增强,我们一起设想了一个家庭, 最终什么是最鼓舞人心的, 对我们的学生和整个预科学院的文化有潜在的影响吗! 今年,我们庆祝成立65周年,提供以基督为中心的教育, 当我们培养下一代基督徒领袖时,我们满怀信心地展望未来.
2024年1月24日——扩建计划将提前进行! The new entrance connecting our entrance with the worship center cafeteria is up and will soon be extended along the entire front facade (more details coming soon). 我们很幸运,所有的检查都通过了,工作人员很快就会开始干墙了. 此外,我们的新教育大楼的正门展示了我们的四大支柱. 它旨在突出信仰的基础教育经验的四大支柱, Academics, Fine Arts, and Athletics.
Scripture Wall Signing & Prayer Day
November 16, 2023 – On October 26, 2023, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场家庭, staff, 还有来自我们澳门威尼斯人网上赌场大家庭的学生, Plant St., Tilden, 和湖滨大学一起庆祝“分开扩张”的最新进展, 自助餐厅/礼拜中心和新的教育大楼. 这一天充满了祈祷, conversation, 和巴克尔斯总统一起参观并在墙上签名. Expansion Set Apart continues to move forward to meet the demands for a Foundation Academy Christ-Centered education. 我们与你们和教会一同建立生命的根基.
2023年6月29日-在我们的蒂尔登校区,扩建项目正在全面展开! 上星期,我们新教学楼的地基完成了. This week our construction crews are moving dirt; the pump truck is preparing to pour the footing for the cafeteria. 随着新学年的临近,预计会有几堵墙到位. 蒂尔登校区的正门正在扩建,以适应交通, our students, and landscaping.
We feel blessed to have a talented and dedicated contractor and crew as Expansion Set Apart builds momentum toward the future. As always, we thank our families for your dedication and ongoing participation in helping Foundation Academy build a foundation for life!
2023年5月17日-巴克尔斯校长和教育副校长. Grosshans, 在发展副总裁的帮助下, Liefke Meyers, 家庭充实处处长, Jessica Robb, 蒂尔登校长夫人. 莎拉·雷诺兹,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场高级步道正式启用. 在工厂街举行的年度班级午餐前,高年级学生和他们的家长参加了剪彩仪式. Campus.
老年人步道位于澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心的东侧. It has ten benches, beginning with the Class of 2023 senior commemorative bricks and ending with our Historic Donors bricks residing by the last bench. 中间的长椅将庆祝接下来的八个毕业班. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的扩建将为我们的学生在蒂尔登享受户外活动提供另一个地方, promote fellowship, 提高我们的晨间休息体验!
特别感谢我们的高年级学生, their parents, 以及整个帮助完成老年步道的开发团队!
食堂/礼拜中心奠基(2024年冬季) & 总统宣布
April 27, 2023 – Thursday, April 27, 2023, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场董事会, Campaign committee, 市长和市政官员, 蒂姆·格罗尚牧师和马西奥·尼恰罗尼牧师, Cheerleaders, Steel Drums, 100多名学生和家长冒着雨庆祝2美元的诞生,000,000 milestone that will allow us to break ground on the Cafeteria/Worship Center that is set to open its doors in the winter of 2024.
In addition, President Dave Buckles shared a special presidential announcement that Foundation Academy will also be expanding the Tilden Campus with new classroom space slated to open in the winter of 2025!
Foundation Academy, the board, 开发团队希望向“妈妈的祈祷”表达他们的感谢, 这个项目从一开始是谁负责的, all our parents, grandparents, Church members, 以及英足总的工作人员,他们衷心地祈祷和奉献,使最初的破土动工成为现实!
Stay tuned for more updates as construction and Expansion Set Apart continue progressing toward the vision for the future of Foundation Academy!
Great News! 冬季花园市批准
The City of Winter garden has approved the permit for building and we are ready to go as we strive to get the funding needed to reach $2,000,000 to break ground. These renderings are inspiring as they show the space used for multiple purposes to fellowship over lunch and then worship Christ during student chapel and church on Sunday.
Foundation Academy held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open the new Genesis Robotics Room on its Tilden campus (特别感谢道恩 & Doug Eldridge的资助); designed to inspire creativity, 提高STEM技能,让我们的机器人团队为比赛做好准备. 此外,我们向乔治·德萨维亚警官致敬 (A special 感谢德里克和杰西卡·德萨维亚的资助221号教室将以他的名字命名. 这些教室是学校资本运动项目的最新成果, Expansion: Set Apart. 请继续关注该活动下一个项目的最新动态. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场感谢它的董事会, donors, staff, church members, and generous families, 但主要是感谢上帝的赐予! 点击这里了解更多
The official public launch of Phase I of the Capital Campaign entails getting funding for the Cafeteria/Worship Center on the Tilden campus with the ability to serve over 100,000 students, Church members, 社区每年. 这将是一个家庭聚会的好地方, fellowship, 吃和喂养“身体和灵魂”的统一. 许可证被撤销了, and families and church members are stepping up and committing to praying and supporting this project together. The full project is $4.500万美元,我们需要200万美元的承诺来破土动工. 如果你有兴趣在这个关键项目上合作, 点击这里获取更多信息,并给出: http://lho0.scs-conference-services.com/campaign/
On February 24, 2022, Foundation Academy held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open a new academic building on its Tilden campus. 这座建筑将举办许多学术课程,包括艺术、乐队和科学. 这座教学楼是学校资本运动项目最新发展的一部分, Expansion: Set Apart. This expansion will allow for more students to attend the school and will provide students with the most current and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. 敬请关注该活动下一个项目的最新动态, 一家自助餐厅计划于今年秋天破土动工. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场感谢董事会, generous donors, and steadfast families, 但主要是感谢上帝让这座美丽的新教学楼得以开放.
The Kelly Family Athletic Annex and the Lumpkins Family Strength and Conditioning Center officially opened on October 8th. 戴夫·巴克尔斯总统主持了剪彩仪式. 冬季花园第一浸信会首席牧师蒂姆·格罗斯恩斯以祈祷开始仪式. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场很荣幸地邀请到冬季花园的市长约翰·里斯参加这个特别的活动. 每个家庭的成员都能就开幕式发表一些讲话, 格雷厄姆·兰普金斯强调, 奇普和卢安·兰普金斯的孙子. The Lumpkins and the Kelly families cut the ribbon to the exterior doors with a small social where friends and family got to celebrate this special day.
Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to the years of development the center will provide to all FA athletes! On Foundation!
Thursday, September 23, 格罗尚斯牧师加入了戴夫·巴克尔斯主席的行列, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场管理, 还有我们的一些家长在扩建的新教室的墙上写圣经. 新的扩建将有专门的教育空间,包括一个新的美术室, science labs, and a band room.
通过一些恶劣的逆境 天气好,FA仍在前进!
Leiferman Gymnasium: The Leiferman Gymnasium is currently getting resurfaced and rebranded for a fresh new look and will be ready soon for our teams to be back on for training and competition.
Gym Expansion: The gymnasium expansion has had flooring installed and is preparing to add Foundation Academy’s Lion branding elements and new equipment. 狮子的心脏比以往任何时候都跳动得更响!
Parking: 停车场加上了条纹,看起来很漂亮! 我们的暑期教师和管理人员本周开始使用它.
Classroom Expansion: 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心新增的8间专业教室正在形成. Here you can see some of the doorways that our students will be walking through real soon to build a foundation for life!
The construction crews have been working diligently this week adding several new updates that we are excited to share! 在短短几天内,澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的外观发生了很大的变化.
健身房扩张背后的道路正处于生产的早期阶段. You can get a sneak peek of this project through the windows inside the new gym expansion or from where it will connect to the new parking lot.
俯瞰澳门威尼斯人网上赌场中心后面扩建的教室,墙壁已经开始上升! It’s incredibly exciting to witness the walls being constructed because of how quickly a dirt lot can transform into a magnificent and functioning building.
新的停车场和道路入口都铺好了! There are a few more finishing touches being done but the extra parking is going to be a great addition for our families during our many on-campus events.
我们的健身房扩建已经完成! 在这一点上,我们只是在等待地板和设备安装. 在不久的将来,请关注剪彩仪式的细节.
The classroom additions behind the Campus Life Center building are well on their way to hopefully being completed by Spring Break 2022, if not sooner!
As our family grows, the need for larger facilities grows and we are ever so blessed to be able to provide our students with the most outstanding learning environment.
建设正在稳步推进. 体育馆扩建部分的地基已经挖好了, 除了任何重大挫折, 健身房的扩建将在夏季开始前完成! The blessings of our campus operating up to 16 hours a day can be a challenge for the construction of our roads and parking. 我们希望有一些新的道路 & 停车场将于5月开放,6月完工.
Dave Buckles
如果你还没有被 Tilden campus 最近,事情发生了变化. They have moved 70,000立方码的泥土来建一个新池塘, 在地势较低的地方填满了新的停车场,并建造了通往曼恩路的新出口坡道! 健身房扩建的准备工作, 新的健身房将建在哪里, 正在进行中,我们的目标是在 May 1st! We will also be prepping the main building for the addition so the offices will be closed over spring break while this work is completed.
Dave Buckles